Feature Brew Method: May

Feature Brew Method: May

Eric Lagerstrom

Each month we will update our brew guide to specifically match the beans that you receive through The Coffee Project. Notes for April are below.

May Roast: Catuai / Sarchimore / Caturra
Roaster: Ivonne Herrera
Origin: Las Paràsitas, Santa Elena Barillas, Guatemala
Elevation: 1500m
Notes:  red apple, almond brittle, and ginger snap


More from the roaster: 

My name is Ivonne Herrera. I’m 26 years old, and I’m currently studying clinical nutrition and raising a son. My passion for coffee started with the example of my dad. He has been harvesting coffee for more than 20 years in Guatemala.

Six years ago, I decided to have my own farm. Since the first time that I was there with my son, it gave me a peaceful feeling. But it has been very difficult because the prices in the markets have not been enough to cover all of the harvest expenses.

Learn more


You will need:
Chemex and Filter
Quality Water
Coffee Beans - 3cup 24g 6cup 46g 8cup 64g
Gram Scale (optional, but recommended)


5 steps to make a clean pour over coffee using a chemex:

1. Place a filter in chemex, rinse with hot water, and pour out.
2. Place on scale and add 46 g medium grind coffee
3. Tare scale to zero and pour hot water to fully saturate grounds. Let "bloom" for 30 seconds.
4. Add hot water in stages (~200g at a time), until you reach 690g of water total
5. Compost remaining grounds/filter and enjoy. It should take 4–5 minutes from start to finish.


Check out Onda Origins full brewing guides for more info here.