Meet Mimi Carlton

Meet Mimi Carlton

Be Murray
Mimi Carlton is no stranger to endurance sports, but thanks to encouragement from her brother, she shifted from rowing to triathlon. And she hasn't looked back.
(Ex-rowers are starting to rival ex-swimmers for instantly successful triathlon converts. Think Cam Wurf and our own Zack Cooper)

Mimi caught our eye with a crazy fast bike split at 70.3 worlds last year, and jumped out at us as somehow who had the engine, the drive, and the attitude to make it as a pro. That is, to a T, what we're looking for when we go through Development team applicants. Someone on the path with 90% of the tools, and just in need of a little extra bump (which we can hopefully provide) to make triathlon a career. With back to back wins last year, continuously increasing her power on the bike, and shaving time off in the pool, she is hoping to land her pro card in 2025. We've got her back, and if you're reading this, we hope you'll join us. 

"I think I am just someone that loves putting my mind into a different place."

She kicks off her season early this year racing 70.3 Oman, followed by Outlaw Triathlon in the UK - a race she is eyeing as a potential for the bump into the pro field before returning to  70.3 Valencia. Headed back for her second year, Mimi said she's looking forward to seeing just how much she has grown and progressed in the sport after an injury-free year. Anyone who's struggled with injury can relate to the feeling of excitement when you know you're finally ready to have the performance you've daydreamed about.

"Last year was the first year where I started my season in April and raced all the way until December...I was finally able to race consistently. I finally started to get the results I always thought I was capable of."



Long ride or long run: Hard one but has to be long run
Goggles falling off on the swim or socks sliding down: Socks sliding down
Training in the heat or training in the snow: Heat
Giving up coffee or giving up chocolate: Coffee - can’t survive without chocolate 

#1 Tip for Someone Getting into Triathlon: 
"Build up mileage and intensity gradually - it's so easy to get over excited and go too long and too hard too soon which can lead to injury. Consistency is key, but you can only be consistent if you have a healthy body to work with."

Go to playlist for training: 
"Anything feel good/ sing a long. Karaoke classics usually work a treat." 

Biggest Inspiration:
"I don’t have one main inspirational figure, rather I draw inspiration from a whole range of places- everything from the support of my family and team, to stories of other people overcoming setbacks and showing strength in adversity, to incredible performances of fellow athletes."

Go To Snacks:
- Sweet: chocolate, baked goods- a combination of both is even better
- Savory: Anything that serves as a vessel for hummus + hummus (lots of it)