TTL Bulletin - Ironman 70.3 MT 48 hrs after Canadian Time Trials!

TTL Bulletin - Ironman 70.3 MT 48 hrs after Canadian Time Trials!

Photo by: Stefan Ritter

Canadian Double?! Paula is about to do something EPIC…

(assuming her bike arrives! 😬 - serious Air Canada drama)

Canadian Time Trials National Championships followed by Ironman 70.3 Mont Tremblant!

This week, Paula will compete in the Canadian Individual Time Trial (ITT) Championships, aiming for her third consecutive victory following her wins in 2022 and 2023. Not even 48 hours after the race, she will be on the start line for Ironman 70.3 Mont-Tremblant!

“Of course as the days get closer it feels a bit daunting and scary, and maybe it’ll end up being too much, but I’m not thinking about the outcome and I’m fully committing to this Canadian race double. You don’t know ‘till you try eh.”

This year, the Canadian time trials will unfold in Québec with the course being approximately 17.2mi (28km) with about 561ft (171m) of elevation gain. Last year in her hometown of Edmonton, Paula crushed a similar course in just over 38 minutes, that's an average speed of 27mph!!! Paula's 2023 performance nearly replicated her race In 2022 when she stunned the women's field and led through every split, finishing almost 40 seconds ahead of the 2nd place.

“I’ve never finished a race so motivated to figure out the pieces… I REALLY want to be better. Seeing [the] ways that I can improve is really exciting and fun."

Paula harnesses some serious strength on the bike so we are so stoked to see her send it. From there, it will be a 4hr drive south to Tremblant, where Paula will race her 3rd 70.3 of the season! Mont-Tremblant is a notably hilly course, with the run route recording more than 750 ft (230m) of elevation gain.

This weekend is no small feat - it will require some serious grit and focus, qualities Paula has in abundance. Saying we are impressed is an understatement, we are FLOORED by her commitment to challenge.

Go Paula!!!

TTL in Duathlon!

Photo by @samanthaweald!

Shout out to our good friend Ryan for first place in the Olympic Duathlon at the Pacific Crest Endurance Festival (5k run, 38 km/24 mi bike, 10k run)! It was great to see him absolutely crush it while rocking the TTL kit! Eric made it back from Nimmo Bay just in time to cheer him on and and met so many awesome people out doing their thing 😊

ICYMI: Check out this week's YouTube Show!

The full San Francisco T100 experience, from arrival to departure, including a race recap from Paula. Despite some emotional ups and downs, it’s a really fun video (we think) and we hope you enjoy it. Racing in San Francisco never is always a wild ride✌️



While we were off the grid last week, we'll be back this Thursday to give the scoop on all the awesome things going on the past two weeks, including our time at Nimmo Bay.

"No pool in sight, and never been more fired up to go swimming."

Cell service and internet connection out there was pretty sparse, so it was tough to share pics from the experience in real time. If you want a peak at some BTS sights from their trip, check out the Lightroom album here! 

HUGE thank you to ORCA for sponsoring this trip and to Nimmo Bay for Hosting the guys. We have incredible companies full of incredible people that we are so grateful to work with.

Book Rec: Why We Swim Bonnie Tsui

Swimming is frustrating. It is a constant puzzle that requires constant solving. The sport offers minimal instant gratification, it's one of the only endurance sports where more effort does not translate into more speed… 

Losing patience seems inevitable. 

There’s a lot to say about why swimming sucks, Why We Swim points out the stuff that’s not so obvious - the good stuff! Author Bonnie Tsui presents swimming in a way that will make your time spent in water so much more rewarding. 

Why We Swim reminds us that swimming is actually pretty awesome.

To swim is to thrive! Here’s a bit why:

We swim for pleasure, for exercise, for healing. But humans, unlike other animals that are drawn to water, are not natural-born swimmers. We must be taught. 

Swimming is not instinctual, it is a learnt skill. It is a product of what evolutionary psychologist's call collective learning: A skill valued by the community and taught to the masses for its advantages in not only surviving, but also thriving within varied environments. When you learn to swim, you learn to thrive and become your best self!

Definitely check out this book if you’re struggling to enjoy time in the water. 

Stay stoked,

-Eric & Paula
(and Olive, the intern)

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