TTL Weekly Bulletin #14: More big races from the Devo team!

TTL Weekly Bulletin #14:  More big races from the Devo team!

More big races from the Devo team! 

Maia Watson snagged the top spot on the podium at Ironman 70.3 in Victoria, British Columbia!


Ansley Queen crushed her first professional race and finished in 12th at Ironman 70.3 in Chattanooga, Tennessee!

Our Devo team is absolutely blowing us away this season. We are so impressed by their drive and passion to excel within the sport. Pursuing the professional route is no easy feat but we're confident that their tenacity will lead to even more incredble achievements in the near future. You can follow their journies on instagram @maia.watson and @ansleyq17

Also click here check out rapid fire with Ansley if you missed it earlier this week!

The TTL Development Team is funded by the support of the global TTL Community. Each year, we release custom TTL Nation kits where 100% of proceeds go to supporting team members directly. While the order window for these kits has closed,you can still make a donation to support the team directly. We appreciate all the help we can get!

XTERRA Vlog coming soon!

It's been a crazy past couple of weeks with back to back races and zipping back and forth across the country. This week's TTL YouTube show is a bit delayed, but hang tight, Eric is cooking up an absolute banger. In the mean time, check out how he prepared in the week leading up to XTERRA North American Championships in the most recent vid!



This week, Eric and Nick talk through their race recaps. Within these recaps, we also discuss:

Instacart 🤝 triathletes 

🚵The different strategies required for racing XTERRAs vs. on road triathlons 

⚖️Being reasonable with your race expectations

❄️Racing in cold water

🫤Adjusting your mind set inter-race

👏What happens when you race in a TTL kit

🔧Pre race mechanical checks for age groupers

Congratulations to Nick for qualifying for Iornman 70.3 World Championship! ❤️

New article on the Bulletin:

Signs to Stop Enduring: Ali Brauer's Experience with Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) 

There are many less-than-glamorous experinces embedded in the sport of triathlon. Peeing into a chamois pad, the volatile snot rockets that don’t make it over your shoulder, the chronic chlorine stench, funky toenails, oozing blisters… These are the things triathletes constantly encounter yet rarely acknowledge because it’s simply part of the sport; enduring discomfort is what traithletes train to do.

But how much discomfort is too much? Where is the line drawn between drive and destruction? 

Last February, author Kristen Seymour with Triathlete Magazine published a phenomenally informative article discussing Ali Brauer’s experience as a professional triathlete who met an all-too-common fate via overtraining. I had the oppurtunity to interview Ali, who is also a former TTL Devo athlete, and delve further into her experience that forced her to into a long term training hiatus. Check out the full interview on the bulletin!

Stay stoked,

-Eric & Paula
(and Olive, the intern)

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